Convert your audio & video collection to digital
Vital Transfers can transfer almost any type of audio or video to today’s digital formats. I take your treasured memories and convert them to a format and media you can play on a current device—CDs, DVDs, Blu Ray, USB stick, media card, etc.

Studio quality digital copies of your treasured memories.
We do studio quality work, and your DVD will have a professional, studio feel to it whether a family memory or a musical treasure. No job is too big, too small or too old. If you are looking for someone to trust, who does a great job, and at a reasonable price, contact me for details and an estimate any time!

Experience and expertise you can rely on
Vital Transfers is a local company that can do any kind of video or audio transfer you may have. There’s no sending it away.
The results speak for themselves. We have many satisfied customers: corporate, musical, home treasures, weddings and much more.
We have 40 years in the music industry, having worked in a recording studio, been involved in broadcast work and trained in various digital technologies. We use the same techniques and software used on most television and movies.
We also do forensic audio for the legal system and have been instrumental in recovering audio of confessions that lawyers and prosecutors deemed irreparable – resulting in convictions.
What does it cost?

The "Basics"
As a guide, the average cost for a transfer is $45.00 to $55.00 per item to a DVD, Blu-Ray, USB drive or another format. Prices vary depending on the project and the amount of time required for the transfer(s).

The "Extras"
Any video or audio requiring editing, special DVD covers, menus, adding music, will cost more than just a straight copy transfer to a DVD or CD.

Time frame
Prices may vary depending on the project and the amount of time required for the transfer(s). If the project takes more than one week, I may require a deposit.

Bring your memories into the digital age
Enjoy those treasured memories anywhere, anytime with digital.
Transferring your analog collection has never been easier.
Vital Transfers can transfer almost any type of audio or video to today’s digital formats.
Convert your vinyl records, cassettes and even reel to reel to modern digital formats like mp3, wav and more
Get those old home movies on VHS, beta, 8mm and more onto Bluray, DVD or non-physical digital media.